The ache for “being known” is a common cry of the heart of the women I work with. Their dads didn’t know them, their mothers didn’t know them, their husband doesn’t know them, etc, etc.

Along these lines, I am surprised (but why should I be) in marriage counseling when I ask each party to answer personal heart level questions about their spouse they are unable to answer… much less something simple like their favorite color. It seems we wander through life looking for those precious moments when someone will recognize the “real us.”

For women in ministry, this is a double whammy because they are so invisible and NOT KNOWN on a daily basis with those around them. They are known for what they do, what they look like, and for their words if they are nice.  Other than that… who really knows them?

Little do we realize it is our Jesus who put the desire for being known in us. You see He desires our hearts. He pursues us. He wants us to stand close to Him so that He can engage our hearts. Even before we were born He knew us. Try to imagine that… a love so powerful that it began before we were.

Pointing women to the one man who will never disappoint them, who will always recognize what’s going on in their hearts is my passion. There are days I know that He is the ONLY ONE who knows me. On those days, this is what gets me through with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.


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