A'nesis Workbooks

After receiving your registration deposit, we will send you the link to the self-evaluation along with your sign-in username and password. When you first sign in, you will be asked to pay the $15 fee for the evaluation named “Biblical Concepts Personality Evaluation.” It is taken online before you arrive and its results are sent to your therapist who will discuss them privately with you when you arrive at your sabbatical.


Dr. Trudy M. Johnson has developed what she calls the C.O.R.E. model of therapy for trauma resolution.  This unique program specifically targets the deep-level heart issues and gets to the CORE of problems for a permanent change.  THIS METHOD IS FOR TRAUMA RESOLUTION AND REQUIRES IN-DEPTH AND INTENSIVE THERAPY FOR FIVE DAYS, THREE HOURS A DAY and an additional 2 hours on the discharge day. Much of the therapy uses the trauma resolution techniques of Ashland Seminary.

  • C = Christ-centered identity as opposed to worldly identity
  • O = Only Truth – identifying and renouncing the lies
  • R = Repenting and Releasing all vows and agreements made
  • E = Experiencing Christ as real in any memory that needs to be healed.  Examining deep emotional content to release and heal the memory.

I work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues providing services that span from therapy for depression and grief counseling and beyond.  In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of my clients’ individual needs to help attain the personal freedom they’re striving for.



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Don't Wait Any Longer. Heal Your Wounds and Overcome Your Past Today!