Bring “Peace on Earth” into Your Christmas Season

Bring “Peace on Earth” into Your Christmas Season

YES!! You CAN have control of making Christmas about having “Peace on Earth” with meaningful moments in your home.  “Peace on Earth” was, after all, the original goal of the first Christmas.

Included in this Blog post are a few ways to bring more peace, into your Christmas season and a downloadable worksheet you can use to ensure it happens.

Marriage and the Meaning of Money

Marriage and the Meaning of Money

We are approaching “the season.” The season of spending money on gifts, decorations, and food. It is in these times of extra spending where your money and marriage can get really stressed out.

I found an excellent resource on this subject from the Gottman Marriage Institute and am sharing their wisdom in this guest writing from The Gottman Relationship Blog.

4 Commonalities of Women Suffering from Past Trauma

4 Commonalities of Women Suffering from Past Trauma

There are four absolutes that need addressing for a woman seeking healing from trauma after enduring any sort of abuse, whether it is sexual, emotional, physical or spiritual.

In this Blog post, I touch on what those four absolutes are and the roles they play in preventing healing from traumatic events.

3 Reasons Why People Won’t Change or Don’t Change

3 Reasons Why People Won’t Change or Don’t Change

The most common issue I see with my clients is about why people won’t change or don’t change. “Why won’t my husband change?” “Why doesn’t my wife change?” “Why won’t my child change?” “Why do I keep making the same choices? How do I change?” Change seems...